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Politics and the English Language

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George Orwell wrote Politics and the English Language in the late 1940s.  It is more relevant than ever now. George Orwell Politics and the English Language Most people who bother with the matter at all would admit that the English language is in a bad way, but it is generally assumed that we cannot by [...]

Mr. Obama’s Gun Grabbing – Typical of Democrats

President Obama signed an executive order he says will increase the number of gun background checks and reduce loopholes. Some lawyers say the order does nothing. Thomas Sowell writes in The American Spectator that the news conference simply showed that Obama is the world’s greatest showman. It was beautifully choreographed , like a great ballet, [...]

Obama and raul

Continuing his disasterous foreign police, President Obama says he may soon visit Cuba. “The key test,” said deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes, is “whether the president’s going to Cuba would help advance those priorities,” and in particular, whether a visit would “improve the lives of the Cuban people.” Improve the lives of the Cuban [...]

Oman’s Al-Shabiba wants to know whose side the US is on. (Link courtesy Watching America) The article quotes American journalist Seymour Hersh who has been in contact with the Syrian regime.  Hersh says the Joint Chiefs of Staff offered security information to the Syrian Army through Germany, Russia and Israel. The article goes on to [...]

The Terrorists Could Already Be Here

The Washington Times reports  that two Pakistanis with terrorist connections were caught crossing the US border with Mexico back in September. Muhammad Azeem and Mukhtar Ahmad, both in their 20s and from Gujrat, were caught Sept. 20 by agents south of San Diego and just over the international border from Tijuana. When agents checked their [...]