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Obama’s brain

Obama’s Brain

When the Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. takes the podium and opens his mouth on Sundays, the congregation must watch astounded as the hordes of bats that inhabit the vast cavern where his brain should be take wing and flitter about the sanctuary. And like bats, his thoughts are rabid things that take flight on wings of rhetoric and inscribe untraceable paths of pseudo-logic.


Jesus was a poor black man! Oppressed by rich white men. Rich white men play an important part in Rev. Wright’s world. In fact, if you go through the bible and every time you encounter the word Satan just substitute Rich White Men for it, you have pretty much summed up his theological view.

And why is Rev. Wright’s POV important at all? Because he’s more than just an another insanely white-hating preacher who spews hate while calling it love, and who rails angrily at another race while maintaining what a forgiving soul he is toward his ‘enemies’. For nearly twenty years one Barack Obama has sat in a front pew of Rev. Wright’s Cathedral Of Hate. If Karl Rove was George Bush’s brain, then Rev. Wright is Obama’s. Wright is Barack’s spiritual mentor; and Obama has his hands firmly around Uncle Sam’s throat. Hence, what Rev. Wright screams out from the pulpit should be of more than passing interest to us.

(Oddly, as with Barack Obama and Louis Farrakhan, the Rev. Wright is only a shade darker than Snow White. Why is it then, that the intensity of the venom spewed by black leaders seems to always be inversely proportional to the ability to absorb light? Would it be unkind to parallel this to Evil house slaves working the field slaves into a state of rebellion against master?)

Of course the bible doesn’t say, nor infer, that one Jesus Christ was a ‘black man.’ But theology-on-acid is not the point here. (The singular fact that a Jewish girl, from the insular Jewish culture, could give birth to a half-Nubian or half-Ethiopian baby and that this could escape the note of various chroniclers of Jesus’s life, is beyond ludicrous, and is the theological equivalent of ‘waiting for the mothership’.) Though the mental gyrations, semantic fallacies, and skewed syllogisms one has to go through to reach this nadir of idiocy take an effort worthy of an antipode Hercules, that is not Rev. Wright’s most egregious rant. If there is a central theme in Rev. Wright’s rambling expositions and patch-work homilies, it is this: Whatever it is, Whitey Did It! And by America, he means “rich white people.” America brought down the twin towers because of it’s oppression of other peoples. Black people should not say “God bless America,” but instead “God Damn America!” Rev. Wright has also stated that The United States started the AIDs virus, and is behind the drug trade (in order to kill or incarcerate black men – who are such feeble-willed creatures that they presumably have no resistance to the lure of either drugs or un-protected sex.) The man also admires noted anti-white, anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, and, in addition to traveling abroad with him, presented him with a lifetime achievement award on behalf of his church. We can only presume, by his attendance and loyalty to Rev. Wright, that Barack Obama gives tacit agreement to Wright’s anti-white sentiments.

If you’re Opie-white, like me, and prone to much musing about the oddities of racial equality in this country, you may find yourself wondering how many of the friendly black faces you meet on the street secretly hold views like Wright’s and Obama’s. And wonder if, like the good and reasonable Germans in pre-WWII, subtle hate and resentment has seeped into their psyches to the point that they can eventually subscribe to any solution to a problem that concerns (white) devils who are outside the protection of, and in opposition to, their black God. The fact is, when I encounter a new black person, it isn’t racism from me that is my concern, but racism from them.

Make no mistake, the Reverend Jeremy Wright, Jr. is the Grand Klagon, the Fuhrer, the Pharaoh, the King, Da Bomb, the Mac Daddy of white hate. And Obama has supped at his table for two decades. So what kind of “change” does Obama want? So, go and listen to what Rev. Wright is espousing . . . week after week, after week . . . as he indoctrinates black America children and adults in his ideology of ‘whitey hate.’ At the least, it will let you know why you should cherish and employ your Second Amendment Rights.

And how has Obama fared in Rev. Wright’s land of the Rich White Man? Pretty dam well. The lash is no longer employed, nor Jim Crow, and even the great white thumb of oppression seems to have exerted little influence on his life. Other than the fact that his black biological father abandoned him (which seems to be pro forma these days), he and his wife, Michelle, have amassed power, wealth, and position. They attended prestigious institutions of higher learning, generated money, purchased prime real estate, and have floated to the top of the political cess pool. Except for Barack’s light tan, they are almost identical to Rich White People.

In the wake of this recent controversy — the mere fact that some of his comments have come to light in the press and on the web — The Rev. Wright has resigned as minister of his church. Like a roach, he has attempted to scurry away from the light. But the fact is that Barack soaked up this anti-white, anti-America bullshit for nearly twenty years, and only under the heat of media exposure did he try to withdraw to a safe distance from it. So, Barack’s “Change” may be coming soon to a constitution near you. And it may just want the kind of ”change” the good Germans wanted in regard to the Jews.

(Ed. note – maybe you’ll find this preferable to Rev. Wright)



Update – Newsmax reports that Obama was in the pews while Rev. Wright delivered his infamous sermon.

{ 12 comments… add one }
  • Steve March 14, 2008, 10:37 pm

    who set fire for happy men

  • rustdawg March 14, 2008, 11:24 pm

    ur a racist bastard. u shud nver say such things. i reporting u to like naacp r someone

  • Mahone Dunbar March 15, 2008, 12:27 am

    Steve: those are the Twin Towers burning, and according to Obama’s Brain the United States set the fire.

  • Mahone Dunbar March 15, 2008, 12:31 am

    rustdawg: Of course I’m a racist bastard — since a racist is “Any white person who disagrees with any black person for any reason. The NAACP knows all about me and has assigned a hit team to me. But then they found out that five days a week I drive though a part of town heavily populated by young black males, and decided to forego the hit team since they figured my chances of being killed by a car-jacker or a crack head were pretty good already.

  • John Austin TX Personal trainer March 15, 2008, 12:49 am

    “‘Make no mistake, the Reverend Jeremy Wright, Jr. is the Grand Klagon, the Fuhrer, the Pharaoh, the King, Da Bomb, the Mac Daddy of white hate.”

    Until now the MSM seemed not to care.

    Jeremiah Wright’s radical views were no secret. They have been a topic on talk radio for months while there has been a de facto MSM blackout of Barack’s church. It is interesting that Wright’s views were little discussed while Mitt’s church received intense religious scrutiny. To borrow a phrase, it has taken a while for the chickens to come home to roost.

  • Mahone Dunbar March 15, 2008, 11:23 am

    John: And why didn’t the mainstream media jump all over this? Certainly it’s not because they have a flagrant double standard that let’s liberals skate. We know the mainstream media is scrupulously fair and objective. We have their word on it — just like we have their word that the volume on the TV doesn’t increase when commercials come on.

  • Joan March 18, 2008, 12:49 am

    Ha, ha. U repukes have fallen into Hillary’s trap – doing the dirty work on the younger man who’s trying to usurp her position and leaving her free of any blame. Ho, ho, ho.

  • Mahone Dunbar March 18, 2008, 7:16 pm

    Joan: actually, neither Hillary nor the Republicans are needed on this one. Obama baby pooped his own pants on this one. For twenty years or so he indulged in the favorite black sport in America, The Blame Whitey Game, never thinking it would come back to bite him in the butt. He assumed he be a local “black” phenomen as a politician and didn’t foresee a time where in a national election he’d need the vote of hated whitely. Very short-sighted, but, alas, fairly predictable. Even the hard core Dixiecrats of the early sixities realized they needed to appease voting various blocks to play on the national stage.

  • I Am Sinned April 2, 2008, 1:26 am

    Several things immediately spring to mind as I read your rather tame and boring soliliqy re: Reverend Wright. First of all, if you could see the forest for the trees you would understand a deeper meaning behind the words expressed. That the black man has enjoyed several hundred years of mistreatment and abuse by the white community is something so obvious even you must admit it. Also, the eventual dispair and hopelessness the black man finds himself in is not of his own doing but rather an unknowing, unfortunate and unintentional result of commercialism, consumerism, capitalism and beaurocratic self-centeredness we all find ourselves in in this fight for survival. As whites you play that game better than blacks and although I agree that much of what the good Reverend preaches is not founded in reality I must admit he brings to light some very interesting insights into the mind of the average black. Understanding and trying to comprehend the problem is always the first step in solving it. Good luck to them.
    Now to the immediate problem Reverend Wright brings to the table. That a politician who is voted for by all and therefore supposedly the representitive of all peoples in his constituancy could sit for several decades and listen, think about and assumably embrace the rhetoric placed before him is unthinkable. That being said, we must consider the growing amount of people in the US who are “other than white” and realize this may be the pretext of things to come and that it might be time for the whites to get to the back of the bus.
    Last thing (since I have so many more important things to do than stroke your ego by acknowledging that people sometimes actually do visit this page), just because a preacher speaks doesn’t make it gospel. There are many catholics who embrace the church who find themselves at odds with abortion, birth control and the occasional alter boy in tights. Still good catholics but not “letter of the law” parishioners.
    Senator Obama does not have my vote. Neither does Senator John (Dead Man Walking) McCain so I guess I’ll have to waste a vote for Ron Paul and say to hell with all of them.

  • Mahone Dunbar April 7, 2008, 1:54 pm

    I am sinned (IAS) wrote: Several things immediately spring to mind as I read your rather tame and boring soliliqy re: Reverend Wright.

    Mahone: Perhaps this response won’t be so tame and boring. (btw, it’s soliloquy, not soliliqy – but then, conventional spelling is so tame and boring)

    (IAS) First of all, if you could see the forest for the trees you would understand a deeper meaning behind the words expressed.

    Mahone: I hardly ever go into the woods anymore. And as an evil racist white man, I was taught in racist white schools, hence, I expect to hear someone’s opinion stated in the actual words they say, and not to have to depend on some kind of emotional epiphany that, like the Holy Ghost, reveals a subtle layer of refined meaning to me; i.e., say what you mean, otherwise, left to personal interpretation, a hundred people in your audience will come to a hundred different conclusions. I know direct speaking is a racist idea, but it has served my county well until the arrival of the “ . . . depends on what the meaning of is, is” Clintons. Did you understand the deeper meaning behind my words?

    (IAS) That the black man has enjoyed several hundred years of mistreatment and abuse by the white community is something so obvious even you must admit it. Also, the eventual dispair and hopelessness the black man finds himself in is not of his own doing but rather an unknowing, unfortunate and unintentional result of commercialism, consumerism, capitalism and beaurocratic self-centeredness we all find ourselves in in this fight for survival.

    Mahone: (Can you not get a government grant to purchase spell-checker software? Surely you haven’t squandered all the money from the Great Society? Perhaps you could axe yo auntie to trade some food stamps for one: dispair is despair and beaurocratic is bureaucratic. Or is your inability to spell or operate a spell-checker just one more result of white oppression?) The ‘black’ man has “enjoyed” (your choice of words, and a psychologically revealing one I’d say, considering the victim status you cling to) mistreatment and abuse for thousands of years, at the hands of whites, other sub-Saharan Africans, Egyptians, The Turks, the Arabs, etc. etc. etc. Whites did not start slavery and are the only ones to fight a war to end it within its borders. Slavery still exists in some parts of Africa. Why aren’t you there fighting it? Putting your money where your blathering mouth is. BTW, black people in America enjoy the highest standard of living of any other black people in the world.

    (IAS) As whites you play that game better than blacks

    Mahone: Thank you. We invented this game while you were messing around in Africa playing toss the yam at the jackal. However, I personally know, and have worked with and for, some blacks who not only understand the game but play it exceedingly well.

    (IAS) . . . . and although I agree that much of what the good Reverend preaches is not founded in reality I must admit he brings to light some very interesting insights into the mind of the average black. Understanding and trying to comprehend the problem is always the first step in solving it. Good luck to them.

    Mahone: This statement, “Understanding and trying to comprehend the problem is always the first step in solving it” is a little confusing to me. What are you saying the problem is? The things Wright refers too? Or the reaction of the audience in buying into his paranoia so easily? As I’ve noted elsewhere in my blog, the idea that the average black actually buys into to such racist paranoia is reason enough for the average white citizen to employ his second amendment rights.

    (IAS) Now to the immediate problem Reverend Wright brings to the table. That a politician who is voted for by all and therefore supposedly the representative (sic) of all peoples in his constituency (sic) could sit for several decades and listen, think about and assumably embrace the rhetoric placed before him is unthinkable. That being said, we must consider the growing amount of people in the US who are “other than white” and realize this may be the pretext of things to come and that it might be time for the whites to get to the back of the bus.

    Mahone: Thanks for your honesty there about the back of the bus. Thankfully, we white people are issued SUVs by the government and don’t need to ride the bus. At any rate, we have a thing called a Constitution which precludes forcing those of races/cultures you don’t like to the back of the bus (literally or figuratively). It would seem you know nothing of this and that Rosa Parks’ example is wasted on your racist ass. If I do ever ride the bus, and you and your homies get brave enough to try and force me to the back, remember that I do practice my second amendment rights, and that even though I may appear to be just another cranky old white guy, I do still make it to the pistol range once or twice a year.

    (IAS) Last thing (since I have so many more important things to do than stroke your ego by acknowledging that people sometimes actually do visit this page), just because a preacher speaks doesn’t make it gospel. There are many catholics (sic) who embrace the church who find themselves at odds with abortion, birth control and the occasional alter boy in tights. Still good catholics (sic) but not “letter of the law” parishioners.

    Mahone: This is not news to me. You are, as the saying goes, preaching to the choir. I realized the hypocrisy in the average preacher before I was ten. I also realized that most of those in the ministry were not Biblical scholars with a solid grounding in history, Hebrew and Greek, but instead simply based their doctrinal opinions on the conclusions of various long-dead committees, and that these opinions were rarely subject to change based on new evidence or revised interpretations of either paleography or the archaeological record. My I point out a parallel of equality . . . if you accept, as I do . . . that blacks, whites, and others in this country should be treated with equality by the law and by other citizens. If a white presidential candidate attended a church where ninety percent of the time the preacher proclaimed the usual doctrinal Christian peace and love stuff, but every now and then went on rants from the pulpit in which he denigrated black Americans, praised ‘white power’ and perhaps called for the re-institution of an official policy of racial apartheid through Jim Crow laws, would you want to see that candidate elected? (If you have it in you, be honest here.) This is how I, as a Typical White Person, feel about the idea of Obama getting elected. As far as your analogy between Wright’s racist-paranoid rants and the policy of the Catholic church, it is without merit. There is a huge difference between acceptance of church doctrine and acceptance of a preacher frothing at the mouth while spewing out racist, paranoid rants. If you so dense that you can’t see that . . . . please allow me to sell you some carbon credits.

    (IAS) Senator Obama does not have my vote. Neither does Senator John (Dead Man Walking) McCain so I guess I’ll have to waste a vote for Ron Paul and say to hell with all of them.

    Mahone: At last! A stroke of wisdom from your pen. I will not vote for the Obama either, because he harbors hate against white people and, most importantly, is a socialist whose policies will lead to the ruin of this great country. McCain is not to my liking either. Dr. Ron, though interesting, and though I consider myself a Libertarian, is too much of an isolationist in this nuclear age. For me, this election will be about voting for the lessor of the evils – a broken leg (McCain) versus leprosy (Hillary), or a malignant brain tumor (Obama).

  • Mahone Dunbar April 7, 2008, 1:55 pm

    Joan: ‘doing the dirty work on the young man’ sounds so gay it doesn’t deserve more of a reply.

  • Abu Tito April 7, 2008, 4:49 pm

    My brother wanted me to remind our brother I Am Sinned that it is all Yakub’s fault. If he had not spent 600-years corrupting the black gene with the white gene and creating evil, we would not have to listen to ignorant white folks like Mahone. Such is the nature of evil.

    It’s too bad brother Wright still worships the three gods of the infidels. Obviously, Mahone does too, with his reference to one of them. Wright sounds like he would make a good Muslim on Friday night.

    As for Mr. Obama – my brother asks, can we really trust a man who is half white?

    After all, look at how much trouble my brother got into messing with white women.

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