As I’ve written, Howard Dean insists on emailing this stuff to me
Dear Juan — John McCain is running the sleaziest and most negative presidential campaign we’ve ever seen — his campaign is setting new lows with their lies and desperate personal attacks.
Even Karl Rove, the mastermind of George W. Bush’s slash and burn politics, admitted that McCain’s attacks have gone “too far.”
The Obama campaign is hitting back hard and letting everyone know the Republicans aren’t going to get away with this again. They’re running a new TV ad that exposes McCain’s dishonest strategy — and they’re aiming for 100,000 donors by Friday at midnight to help keep it on the air.
Watch the latest ad and make a donation of $5 or more today.
The McCain campaign has defended and repeated their lies, even after news outlets and independent watchdogs called them “shamelessly misleading,” “thoroughly dishonest,” and “a toxic mix of lies and double-speak.”
The Republicans even lied about the crowd size at one of Sarah Palin’s rallies — they reported 23,000 attendees when there were only 8,000.
These tactics are just more of the same culture of the dishonesty and division that has hurt America so badly the last eight years.
And John McCain is fighting for another four years of the same. Last week, he hired a Washington super-lobbyist to handpick potential White House staff. Apparently he wants to run our government the same way he runs his campaign — surrounded by lobbyists.
Democrats have less than 50 days to stop the lies and negative tactics of the Republicans from winning again.
Help combat John McCain’s onslaught of deception. Make a donation of $5 or more right now:
Howard Dean