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What Really Happened At Roswell

The Truth from 1947

Bombs In London And Glasgow

Islamically my dear Watson.

Paris Freed – Supporters Say Unchanged

After three grueling days behind bars, Paris is out

Living With Empathy

According to the unimpeachable Wikopedia, there are approximately six billion humanoids on this planet currently. Just what should this fact mean to the dedicated liberal? The empathic, caring being. It means this: at any given moment, instant by instant, a substantial number of the human population (including children) are suffering loss, deprivation, low self-esteem, pain, [...]

Bots take over the world

Internet poker, Big Brother, chess and bots Big Brother Strikes Again Now that the United States government has shut down on-line poker – in their noble effort to guard morality by preventing innocent Americans from gambling away their government-sponsored lottery winnings – I am thoroughly confused. Why, I wonder, is gambling by playing poker, which [...]