House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, seen here on the steps of the Capital building with an unnamed Congressman, demonstrates her dedication to swaying inflatable obstacle course for sale undecided or negative votes on Obama Care. Pausing briefly in her efforts – with a long line of Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats yet to go – Pelosi quipped to reporters, “If Obama Care doesn’t pass, it will leave a sour taste in all our mouths. Besides
, if you knew what Harry Reid was doing up there behind the Speaker’s Podium, you’d realize this is a mere inconvenience.”
Repukes never miss a chance to be nasty
Joan: Right you are. And Obama, Pelosi and Reid never miss a chance to buy, bribe or bully others for the votes they need to maintain power.
nasty old woman ugly to
Steve: True. But better to be in her line than behind the podium with Harry Reid.
Jeez, Pilgrim. I don’t know if I could perform for that. Not even in a little black cocktail dress. How awful.
John Wayne: It’s not easy being a democrat these days.