Some other folks are seeing a bit more of Fay than I am. Visit Two Nervous Dogs and Primordial Slack. Joan, unlike me, can figure out how to get video uploaded.
Then there’s GuyK who may see some more of Fay.
Some other folks are seeing a bit more of Fay than I am. Visit Two Nervous Dogs and Primordial Slack. Joan, unlike me, can figure out how to get video uploaded.
Then there’s GuyK who may see some more of Fay.
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Yep..we are catching it right now but not near what y’all on the east coast got. Wind here is maybe 30 mph and gusting and it is raining..the wind makes it sound like more rain than we are actually quacks allow 3 to 6 inches..hell, we get that in an afternoon squall off the gulf sometimes..