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The tale of Super Tuesday


Super Tuesday, the Cobra and the Mongoose – an editorial cartoon

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  • Steve February 6, 2008, 10:52 pm

    cute litle kitty maybe get snakee

  • Joan February 7, 2008, 12:48 am

    This year we have to choose between the past and the future. U repukes are the past. We r lucky to have 2 candidates of the future.

  • Abu Tito February 7, 2008, 12:07 pm

    Dammit, Mahone – why do you have the black man on all fours before the white woman. You people continue to make us slaves.

  • Mahone February 7, 2008, 12:33 pm

    Steve: that’s a mongoose . . . part of the same family as Merkats. Marxist and white-hater that he is, I still hope that if it comes down to it he beats that two-bit, lying, stealing, dangerous lawyer from Arkansas.

  • Mahone February 7, 2008, 12:38 pm

    Joan: Hillary doesn’t represent the past? How about eight years of a do-nothing Clinton presidency? How about White Water, travel gate, purloined FBI files, hording missing legal docs, the so-called ‘cattle commodities’ pay off, and more more more. Did you sleep through all that history, honey?

  • Mahone February 7, 2008, 12:44 pm

    Tito: as always, you bring up a good point. Note that the mongoose (Obama) has stripes. These represent his black and white heritage. The mongoose kills pests and is sometimes domesticated, so it’s a fairly beneficial creature. The cobra, on the other hand, is extremely venomous, has long fangs, and slithers around on it’s belly all day seeking to devour those weaker than itself. . . much the same as Hillary. And, like Hillary, you would neither trust a cobra to watch your kids for you, or mate with it. So, in retrospect, do you think the symbols were appropriately distributed?

  • John Wayne February 7, 2008, 4:21 pm

    Pilgrim, how can you say the Clinton Administration was a do-nothing administration? Boy, don’t you remember the thong, the cigar and the stained blue dress?

  • Mahone February 7, 2008, 6:36 pm

    Duke: My bad. I should have added aqualifier like (pick one) “do nothing” good, moral, benefical for America, humane, etc.

    I have never forgiven that Arkansas bum for ruining a good cigar. And I’m sure, given Monica’s ways, a demitasse. wasn’t big enough for the job. Wonder how long before Chelsa — she of profuse eloquence — starts trying cigars for size.

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