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Hillary, raul and the debate

Thanks to Michelle Malkin, from tonight’s Democratic debate: Univision’s Jorge Ramos to Hillary: “Would you be willing to sit down with Raoul Castro at least just one?” Hillary: “I hope we have an opportunity…I’ll be looking for changes…releasing political prisoners, freeing up the press…I would be willing to reach out once they demonstrated they were [...]

McCain on Cuba and Venezuela

Last night I heard Senator John McCain’s speech when claimed victory in Wisconsin. Of course it doesn’t seem to be reported in the media, but near the beginning he made some very strong remarks about Cuba’s opportunity to turn to freedom now that fidel has stepped aside. Then he went on to attack, without naming [...]

fidel retires – so what?

fidel castro has retired as the so-called president of Cuba. Ziva at Babalu has a translation of his statement published in the middle of the night. I long thought that the end of castro’s reign would mean something. Now, it appears it doesn’t. The regime continues, the Cuban people remain in chains, and tyranny continues. [...]

An oldie-goldie revisited

Two years ago, we featured a post on a man who very much wants to enter into business deals with Cuba. As we reported yesterday, a group of US business people is gathering in Mexico City to discuss how to get their hands on Cuban oil. The conference is sponsored by the US-Cuba Trade Association, [...]

Iran in Latin America

We’ve written in the past about Iran’s force projection into Latin America. In Venezuela, there’s a tractor plant and cement plant as well as an oil refinery. hugo chavez is also expressing interest in Iran’s nuclear program. We’ve reported on how Iran may be buying uranium from Venezuela. In Argentina, Iranian-supported Hizbollah set off bombs [...]