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So, You Still Think There's An Embargo, XXX
Monday, November 20, 2006   By: Juan Paxety

Calls for its end from a fidel apologist

Apparantly The Japan Times does.  In an opinion piece by Cesar Chela, the Times prints the usual pablum.

After Castro assumed power and declared an alliance with the Soviet Union, an embargo was imposed on the island that had serious consequences on the Cuban government's capacity to provide Cubans with basic health services and good nutrition.

However, by declaring health and education priority areas in his administration, Castro has been able to provide good education and excellent medical care to the Cuban population. Indicators for both education and health care in Cuba are now among the best in the hemisphere.

Wait a minute - food and medical supplies are specifically excluded from the embargo.  That's the reason the United States is one of the leading suppliers of food to Cuba.

Chela thinks the change in the political scene gives an opening for eliminating what he sees as an embargo.  No, not the demise of fidel, but the control of Congress by the Democrats. Chela makes the arguement made by many - that the embargo has not hurt fidel, but has helped him maintain control.  Then he reveals his man-love for the bearded bastard.

In visits to the island on U.N. health-related missions I had the opportunity to meet Castro and talked to him at length on health issues, about which he was extremely well informed. So great was his apparent enthusiasm with regard to medical matters that I almost felt that he was a frustrated physician himself. He was obviously proud of the revolution's accomplishments in the health area.

Dictators can be charming when it suits them - something that never seems to occur to the diplomats dealing with them.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren