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Cuba condemns what it calls U.S. subversion
Friday, March 10, 2006   By: Juan Paxety

Smuggling satellite receivers

Fresh on the heels of the U.S. State Department's condemnation of Cuba's human rights record, fidel brags about denying rights to Cubans. The story is even in Prensa Latina.  Get a load of this:

Havana, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) The illegal entry of satellite receivers and magnetic cards into Cuba is part of US efforts to support and spread anti-Cuban propaganda, according to a Granma newspaper editorial on Wednesday.

Granma published the case of Carlos Valdes Gonzalez, resident in the US, who was arrested at Havana Jose Marti International Airport on June 24, carrying 28 satellite receivers, magnetic cards, connection wires and remote control equipment and batteries.

Valdes Gonzalez has been charged with smuggling and bribery. He has paid over 120 visits to Cuba from Grand Cayman, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas and the US.

OK, liberal supporters of fidel - tell us why Cuba is afraid to allow its people to hear radio broadcasts from overseas.


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