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Senator Jim King Says He's Doing God's Work
Monday, March 21, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

It's been said that State Senator Jim King's ego is as large as his girth. Now he says he's doing God's work in his moves to kill Terri Schiavo.  From the St. Petersburg Times:

"I believe that there is a heaven and that's where Terri Schiavo is going to go, and that's a trip that's long overdue," said Sen. Jim King, the Jacksonville Republican who authored the state's death with dignity law after watching his parents suffer drawn-out deaths from cancer.

"Had God not wanted what happened today to happen, He would have intervened," King said Friday after the Senate failed to pass legislation aimed at preventing Schiavo's feeding tube from being removed by a judge's order.

The Florida Senate failed to even vote on legislation to change the state's right to die law.  The bill had already passed the house.

King fails to understand the basic difference between Terri Schiavo and his parents - they were dying - Terri is not.  She is not on life support.  She is not receiving pain medication. She is simply being fed - or was until Friday.

Peggy Noonan wrote that Republicans will have hell to pay if they let Terri Schiavo die.  In Florida, the Republicans gained control of the legislature only about a decade ago.  With the failure of King and other Republican senators to take any action, we may see Noonan's fears realized in the state senate next year.

In fact, it's already begun.  There is an online petition for Governor Bush to suspend King from his senate position.

James Lileks has some thoughts, too:

The Schiavo matter is the Elian Gonzalez case of 2005, a person who stands at the nexus of a variety of irreconcilable issues

As usual, it's too good to excerpt - read the whole thing. Why yes, it includes Star Trek.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren