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The Blog - 2002, February
Thursday, February 28, 2002   By: Juan Paxety


No new screeds or rants today - instead pictures. There are a few new shots in the Southern Scenes album - I'll add to those as we go along.
But newest is the Savannah Summer '68 album. During that eventful summer (it began with the battle of Khe Sahn still raging in Vietnam, with Bobby Kennedy's assassination, and by the end, Russian tanks rolled into Prague, and insanity struck the Democratic National Convention in Chicago) a bunch of goobers in a band called The Bluenotes and three singers who called themselves The Three Heads got together to perform at a club in Savannah called Trader Louie's. The photos are of some of the band members, club employees, patrons and hangers-on. They were shot with a Polaroid Swinger - not a great camera, but the prints remain stable. Enjoy.

Update - well I lied. Here's something important. Dow Jones, the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, has established a fund for the widow and unborn child of reporter Danny Pearl.

Ted Barlow has put up a transcript  of David Letterman's monologue on his first night back after Sept. 11. His intelligence, depth and true caring show.


Ken Layne today  has a great rant on the record industry, and the artist protests against it in his Fox News column today. He even takes a swipe at Cheap Channel.
Blogger Steven den Beste  has a great screed on music and the record industry's attempts to force copy protection down our throats.


If you read anything at all today, read this (courtesy Dr. Frank).  It's the story of a leftist who came face to face with mass murder - and U.S. foreign policy, when her best friend died on September 11th.



January Bloviations

Former Bloviations


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren