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Wednesday, August 03, 2005   By: Juan Paxety


Here are some more good links -

The Real Cuba posts information and photographs showing just how good the Cuban medical system was B.C. - before castro.

Fausta posts on Hugo Chávez's anti-semitism.

Val translates an article telling the story of an EU Human Rights Commission member who was assaulted in Santa Clara province. She was attacked, along with her host and 12 other people by government goons.

Robert posts a letter to Jaques Chirac from the president of Youth For A Free Cuba.

Sirimba says if you don't know whether you support CAFTA-DR or not, look at who opposes it - Hugh Chávez and fidel castro.

J. Scott Barnard has more on the falderal surrounding the thuggish attempt to take away one family's television set. They were watching the wrong program

And in case you haven't run across it yet, Sumate Files is keeping up with the trial in Venezuela of folks accused of treason. They accepted funds from a U.S. group and used the money for voter education and get out the vote drives.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren