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Health Emergency In Cuba
Monday, July 25, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

Eight children die in Havana

Despite free health care, Havana is experiencing a health emergency - eight children have died. Reuters reports:

Cuban health authorities urged Havana residents on Sunday to take extra hygiene precautions as they investigate the deaths of eight children from an unknown cause.

The government says there has been an increase in digestive and respiratory illnesses reported over the last two weeks. The time period coincides with the power and cooking gas shortages, plus the water problems following Hurricane Dennis. The article concludes with this interesting paragraph -

While children die at high rates in developing countries from various diseases, such deaths are rare in Communist Cuba, which takes pride in a relatively well-developed and free health care system.

Yeah, yeah. The usual blather about free healthcare. Go read The Real Cuba and look at the photographs of free healthcare. The most curious part is the comparison to "developing countries." In 1958 Cuba was not a "developing country." It was a developed country with a corrupt government.  Now after 46-years of fidel's worker's paradise, Cuba has backslid into the "developing country" classification. How sad.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren