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Blanco Inks Deal With Reds
Thursday, March 10, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

Kathleen and fidel

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco celebrates concluding a deal with the agent of a murdering communist dictator. She's shaking hands with Pedro Alvarez, who heads Cuba's Alimport - the agency that imports food.

MSNBC reports the deal is for $15-million, including $2-million to purchase rice from Louisiana Rice Mill.  Maybe fidel will give the women of Cuba rice to go with their new, government subsidized rice cookers.

The deal also included the purchase of 160-tons of powered milk with a promise to ship more goods through the Port of New Orleans.  The port already ships more stuff to Cuba than any other U.S. port.

Some folks say Blanco's deal props up castro and helps him maintain his grip on the starving gullets of the ordinary Cubans.  Blanco has a reply for her critics:

Upon her arrival in Havana, Blanco tackled the detractors head-on. “We think Louisiana needs to be ... in the markets of the entire world. We believe Cuba brings value and we should not ignore any value."

How about human rights values Governor Blanco?


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren