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Death Penalty In Venezeula
Friday, January 21, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

It exists in jail.

This is a photograph of a hunger strike going on at one of hugo's jails.  It was taken by Daniel at Venezuela News.

Daniel goes on to describe the hunger strikes at the jails across Venezuela, and blames chavez and his tinkering with the judicial system, saying he is

creating jails of abject squalor where in the XXI century people die of typhus. Even if not in the books, the death penalty exists in Venezuela: 5 years in jail usually take care of that, even if you did not get your trial yet.

Read those two sentences again.  Then read the whole thing. I hope Mr. Bush was talking about hugo yesterday, too.

Update - Mary Anastasia O'Grady says hugo should be put on the list of terrorism sponsors.

In the last month, evidence has surfaced that Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez is harboring Colombian terrorists. Although the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá is supporting Mr. Uribe, Mr. Bush owes the Colombian leader an even stronger effort towards containing the Venezuelan tyrant.

Another good reason to take Chávez seriously is that there are alarming reports that suggest he may be bent on arming his revolutionary cadres all over South America. That could threaten regimes friendly toward the U.S. throughout the region.



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