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Terrorist fidel castro
Thursday, June 30, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

Member of Emilio Tro gang

You have probably never heard this story. It was told in 1958 by Gaston Baquero, editor of the newspaper Diario de la Marina to Paul Bethel. Bethel included the story in his book, The Losers (Arlington House, 1969).

Baquero told me about a gangster organization, the Insurrectional Revolutionary Union (UIR), and that (f)idel (c)astro had been a member. The UIR was the brainchild of an amazing Cuban, Emilio Tro. Tro, according to Baquero, had enlisted in the U.S. armed forces and had fought with distinction during World War II. After the war, he set about creating the UIR as a loosely knit organization to help Tro and his followers reach the top of the political ladder by physically eliminating their opponents. Tro gathered around him a group of political "outs," said Baquero, each of whom had his own particular ambitions. The individual member agreed to cooperate with other members of the UIR in return for their assistance in eliminating his own particular road-block to power.  The UIR, according to Baquero, was a sort of Mafia, with no visible ideological base to it. (f)idel (c)astro joined the UIR, Baquero stated, for the purpose of getting rid of Manolo Castro (no relative), an enormously popular student leader who blocked (f)idel's bid for power on the campus of Havana University.  (f)idel (c)astro did not personally murder the student leader, only because he was waiting for him in ambush at the wrong place. Other members of the UIR gang were in the right place, however, and Manolo Castro was assassinated by them.  I later checked Baquero's account of Tro, the UIR, and (f)idel (c)astro's association with the UIR, with knowledgeable Cubans and with the CIA, and found it to be accurate.

Ernesto Bettencort, former director of Radio Marti, also confirms fidel's association with Tro.

And if you admire this man, you can wear a custom painted blazer with his portrait.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren