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Only In America - Don't Tread On Me
Tuesday, June 28, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

Justice for a Justice?

Only in America - the Supreme Court decides on Thursday that the government can take private property from its owners and give it to developers. By Tuesday, a developer files an application to condemn the home of one of said Supreme Court justices.

The lesson - don't mess with Americans.

It meets with Mahone's approval as expressed in an email:

Congratulations.  You, sir, are a patriot and I stand behind you fully in your endeavor to have Supreme Court Justice Souter's home and property taken by force by the state and put to use in a more efficient tax-gathering manner.  Please put my email address on whatever list of supporters you generate.
Other outraged Americans stand behind you.  I would also suggest this be a two-pronged effort, i.e., in addition to the continuation of your efforts to turn Souter's horrendous decision against him, I suggest we target some homes recently condemned by the new interpretation of eminent domain and fight the effort to take over the homes and properties in question with peaceful occupation and sit-ins and generate a media campaign to get exposure for the cause of property rights in America.   If people in China can stand in front of bulldozers, if environmentalists can chain themselves to trees, then surely we Americans who believe in the concept of property rights can stand up to the Supreme Court and those empowered by their recent rewriting of our constitutional rights.
For years the Supreme Court has created rights not envisioned by our founding fathers.  Now they seek to take away rights which the founding fathers considered essential for the republic.
Keep up the good work. 
Mahone Dunbar


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren